Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT

The Mars Deception

So my 13-year-old daughter is writing her first book in English.
The original idea was about a dystopian world, with youngsters as victims of powerful interests, a trip to Mars, an interesting plot twist and a moral.

4 min readFeb 22, 2023

After several days without being able to move forward, ChatGPT (OpenAI) untied the intellectual knot in which she found herself (see below ChatGPT’s suggestions).

Trap or tool? That is the question!

The world as we knew it had ended. A catastrophic event had taken place, leaving the Earth almost uninhabitable. The leaders of the world had come up with a plan to send a group of children to Mars, where they would start a new civilization. The children were chosen for their intelligence, physical fitness, and adaptability.

The project was called “Hope for the Future.” The mission was to establish a new world on Mars, where the children would grow up, thrive, and eventually populate the planet. It was a risky project, but the future of humanity was at stake.

The chosen children were put through rigorous training. They had to learn everything from physics and mathematics to survival skills and self-defense. They had to get used to wearing spacesuits and living in confined spaces. They had to learn to grow their own food and recycle everything they used. It was an intense program, but the children were excited about the prospect of going to Mars.

The day finally arrived when the children had to leave Earth. They boarded the spaceship, which would take them to Mars. The spaceship was state-of-the-art, with all the amenities the children would need for their journey. The journey was long, but the children were kept occupied with educational programs and games.

The spaceship finally landed on Mars. The children were ecstatic. They had made history by being the first humans to set foot on Mars. They quickly got to work setting up their new home. They used the knowledge they had gained during their training to build shelters, grow food, and establish a water supply.

As the children settled into their new home, they started to notice strange things. The plants they had grown didn’t seem to be thriving, and the water supply was contaminated. They decided to investigate and were shocked by what they found.

It turned out that the leaders of the world had lied to them. They had been sent to Mars, not to start a new world, but as a ploy to distract the people of Earth from the real problems. The leaders of the world had known that the Earth was slowly recovering, and the children were no longer needed on Mars.

The children were devastated by the news. They had left their families and friends behind, thinking they were starting a new world. They had put their lives on the line for a lie. They decided to send a message back to Earth, letting the people know what had happened.

The news of the Mars deception caused a worldwide uproar. The leaders of the world were forced to resign, and a new government was formed. The children on Mars were eventually brought back to Earth, but they had a hard time adjusting to life back home. They had been through an experience that no one could fully understand.

The Mars deception had taught the world a valuable lesson. It showed that the leaders of the world couldn’t be trusted and that people had to look out for themselves. The children who had been sent to Mars were seen as heroes for speaking out about the deception. They had started a movement that would change the course of history.

